Export Data From Time Matters

When contacting HoudiniEsq Support for a Time Matters migration, you must first make a backup of your current data to provide to our Professional Services in the correct SQL format. Here is a guide on how to do so:

Performing a backup in Time Matters/LNTPA versions 10, 11 or 12

1. Open Time Matters/LNTPA
2. Click File
3. Click Backup Time Matters Data

Note: If using LNTPA this will read Backup Practice Advantage Data.

4. Verify the Shared Files Backup location is correct.
5. Click the ellipsis button to browse to and change to location the shared files will be saved to if desired.

Note: Only documents and email attachments are backed up to this location. The SQL database is backed up to the default backup location for Microsoft SQL Server.

6. Check the box next to Skip files in the Documents and Document Index Directories to exclude backing up documents.
7. Check the box next to Skip backing up of email attachments to exclude backing up email attachments.
8. Check the box next to Remember this destination for future backups to have Time Matters remember the location selected in Shared Files Backup if using a non default location.
9. Click OK


Performing a backup in Time Matters/LNTPA version 13 or higher

1. Open Time Matters/LNTPA
2. Click File
3. Click Backup Time Matters Data

Note: If using LNTPA this will read Backup Practice Advantage Data.

4. Verify the Shared Files Backup location is correct.
5. Click the ellipsis button to browse to and change to location the shared files will be saved to if desired.

Note: Only documents and email attachments are backed up to this location. The SQL database is backed up to the default backup location for Microsoft SQL Server.

6. Check the box next to Skip files in the Documents and Document Index Directories to exclude backing up documents.
7. Check the box next to Skip backing up of Email Attachments to exclude backing up email attachments.
8. Check the box next to Remember this destination for future backups to have Time Matters remember the location selected in Shared Files Backup if using a non default location.
9. Click the radio at the bottom labeled Backup Now
10. Click OK to start the backup process.


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