Customize Mode – Overview

In this article we will begin to delve into the customization options available for HoudiniEsq/ When logged in as an Admin, you will see the Customize icon as a gear on any form that can be customized. Simply click it to toggle the form into Customize mode.


Doing so will open up a panel on the left with 3 distinct tabs at the top. This article will give a summary of the tabs; we will cover their functionality in greater detail in their own articles.



Clicking on the Field tab will give a brief description of how to add and modify fields in HoudiniEsq 2.0. You can read it above, or in the application, but it is recommended to read it thoroughly. Clicking the “Ok, I got it” button at the bottom will allow you to go through to the Fields interface.



Clicking on the Field tab will give a brief description of how to add and modify Triggers in HoudiniEsq 2.0. These are rules that you can set up that when conditions are met, will perform actions in the system, from adding new records, to sending email and notices, to even calculating values in other fields. You can read the full description above, or in the application, but it is recommended to read it thoroughly. Clicking the “Ok, I got it” button at the bottom will allow you to go through to the Triggers interface.



Clicking on the Workflow tab will give a brief description of how to add and modify Workflows in HoudiniEsq 2.0. Workflows are a new concept which allow you to define a set number of Tasks, give them a series of Steps and assign them to various Staff members. You can also define Triggers to fire for each step as well. You can read the full description above, or in the application, but it is recommended to read it thoroughly. Clicking the “Ok, I got it” button at the bottom will allow you to go through to the Workflow interface.

To exit Customize Mode, simply click the “Customize” toggle button at the top right at any time.

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